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Publishers Note
This work, Planché's Corner of Kent, or, some Account of the Parish of
Ash-next-Sandwich, is one of Kent's most detailed historical and
genealogical works. As the publisher of some books on this the southeastern
most part of England it seemed an obvious candidate for an affordable edition.
The original and only edition published in 1864 is now a very scarce book
making it difficult for those interested in our local history to obtain a copy.
I have used the technique I used previously in Mockett's journal of publishing
four pages of the original on one page of the reprint. This has allowed me
to produce a book of some 440 pages in a single volume of 128 pages.
The charming plates and map I have enlarged to fill an A4 page, some of them
are you will notice early are an early method producing an etching from a
PLATE l.-View of Ash Sheet
.to face Title Page
Woodcut.-Seal of Sir Robert de Septvaus, ante 9th of King John, attached to a deed whereby " Robertus de Sevanz, tilius Roberti de Sevanz," grants to St. Gregory's Priory, Canterbury, for the sum of one mark, half an acre of land in Huggefeld (said in dorso to be Hothfield), from the Evidences of Cumbewell Abbey," in the College of Arms
.on Title-page
Woodcut.-Part of the Ruins of Richborough Castle
...Page 1
PLATE 2.-Specimens of Anglo-Saxon Antiquities discovered at Guilton :-Fig. 1. Fibula; fig. 2. Sword-hilt; fig. 3. Buckle; fig. 4. Chain and portion of Horse's Bit, with Roman Coin let into it
Page 7
Woodcut.-Coffer of the Fifteenth Century, in the Vestry of St. Nicholas Church, Ash ....... Page 11
Woodcut.-View of Ash from Mount Ephraim .
........ Page 28
PLATE 3.-Map of the Parish of Ash
.Page 29
PLATE 4.-Ash Church from the South-west
.Page 47
Woodcut.-Piece of Carved Oak, a portion of the old Stalls, dug up in the Chancel in 1861 .Page 46
PLATE 5.-Plan of St Nicholas Church, Ash
..Page 48
A. The Nave ; B. Chancel of Our Lady ; C. Central Tower ; D. North Transept. or St. Thomas's Chapel; E. South Transept; F. Probable Site of early English Tuwyr, as evidenced by thicker walla, &c. ; 0. St. Nicholas, or Mollaud Chancel; //. Porch ; I. Stairs to Parvise, now a Vestry; a, b. Respond piece in South Wall ; c. Column built into Wall, from which Arches spring right and left ; d, e. Probable length of Anglo-Norman Church ; f, g. Ragstone Column and Respond ; h, i. Foundation of old Wall.
No. 1 Effigy of Sir John Goshall ; 2. Effigy of a Lady ; 8. Effigy of Sir John Leveriok ; 4, Effigies of John Septvans, Esq., and Wife ; 6. Brasses of Richard Clitherow and Lady ; 6. Brass of Jane Keriel; 7. Brasses of Christopher Harfleet and Wife ; 8. Brasses of Walter Harfleet and Wife ; 9. Brass of William (Leus 1) and Anys his wife; 10. Burial-place of the family of St. Nicholas ; 11. Spot where the Stone Coffin was found ; 12. Piscina ; 13. Aumbry.
PLATE 6.-View from South Transept, looking through the High Chancel into the Molland Chancel
Page 52
PLATE 7.-Fig. 1. Effigy of Sir John Goshall; 2. Effigy of a Lady; 3. Capital of Column in the Nave; 4. Fragment of a Monumental Cross, dug up in Churchyard; 5. Border of Fresco in North Transept ; 6. Lid of Stone Coffin discovered in North Transept in December, 1863 ; 7. Portion of the Septvans' Seat, discovered 1864 ; 8. Capital of a Column dug up in Chancel
.. Page 57
PLATE 8.-Effigy of Sir John Leverick
...Page 59
PLATE 9,-1. Gravestone and Remains of Brass of Richard Clitherow and his Wife ; 2. Brass of Jane Keriel
..Page 60
PLATE 10.-1. Effigy of Sir John Leveriok ; 2. Effigies of John Beptvans, 'Esq., temp. Henry VI., and his wife Katharine (t)
. Page 64
PLATE 11.-1. Brasses of Christopher Septvans, alien Harfleet, and Wife;. 2. Brasses of Walter Harfleet and Wife; 8. Braw of William (Leus f) and Anys his wife ........................
Page 66
PLATE 12.-1. Monument of Sir Thomas Harfleet and Wife; 2. Monument of Christopher Toldervy and Wife
Page 68
Woodcut.-Crest of Sir William de Septvana, from a drawing by Philipot, in the College of Arms, from the brass formerly in Canterbury Cathedral, and Shield of Arms of St. Nicholas, from a MS. in the College ofArmg, marked, Vincent, 141
..Page 75
PLATE 13.-Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4. Personages represented in the old Window of Ash Church, from drawings copied by Mr. Hasted from the Church Notes" of Peter Ie Neve in 1613 (vide page 189); figs. 5, 6. John 81 Nioholaa and his wife, Margaret de Campania, formerly in a Window of Ash Church, from drawings by Philipot, College of Arms; 7. Seal of William de Auberville; 8. Arms of Walter de Goshall, from the copy of a Boll of the time of Edward I., College of Arms-Vincent, 164 ; 9. Seal of Margret de Goshall, Harleian Charters, British Museum
Page 76