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![]() ![]() Ramsgate Town Council Response
![]() Ramsgate Town Council Response
![]() to the consultation document
![]() `Shaping Our Future'
![]() (second revision - 12 Jan 2009)
![]() The following is Ramsgate Town Council's response to the consultation document “Shaping Our Future” and its proposals for policies to be included in the Core Strategy which, together with other
Ramsgate Town Council broadly support the majority of the draft policies proposed by Thanet District Council in “Shaping Our Future” for Thanet's Core Strategy and recognises Thanet District Council's obligations to the Regional Spatial Strategy as set out in the South East Plan.
In particular, Ramsgate Town Council supports the proposed Policy DCS14 to enhance Jackey Bakers Sports Ground and the proposed Policy DCS11 to improve community facilities at Newington through developer contributions from New Haine (Eurokent) developers. Ramsgate Town Council requests that a policy similar to Policy DCS11 be developed for the Northwood area. Ramsgate Town Council would like to work with Thanet District Council and other public and private partners to find ways in which other open spaces and community facilities can be similarly enhanced, renewed and extended.
Ramsgate Town Council, while acknowledging their contribution, has reservations about the assertion in “Shaping Our Future” that the airport, seaport and wind farms will provided sufficient economic stimulus to secure the vitality of Ramsgate during the period covered by the Core Strategy (to 2026). The expectation of Ramsgate Town Council being that substantial contributions to economic growth, in the foreseeable future, are more likely to be achieved through an increase in the number of visitors and new, economically active, residents (including commuters attracted by the high speed train). The Ramsgate Town Council acknowledges and supports those policies proposed in Shaping Our Future designed to encourage this type of growth.
Ramsgate Town Council believes that more needs to be done to look after Thanet's architectural heritage through a review of the measures adopted to protect and maintain its Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings. Ramsgate Town Council has noted that “Shaping Our Future” does not significantly deal with conservation issues and proposes no specific policies for them. Ramsgate Town Council suggests that this is a major shortcoming that needs to be addressed in the next draft of Thanet's Core Strategy. Thanet, in general, and Ramsgate, in particular, are so rich in buildings of note that it may be appropriate to produce an additional
Ramsgate Town Council believes that the proposals developed in the Ramsgate Renaissance framework are now substantially out of date and need to be revisited and revised. In particular much of the narrative in paragraphs 8.97, 8.98 and 8.99 of “Shaping Our Future” is no longer considered to be appropriate.
Ramsgate Town Council requests that , in keeping with the proposal in paragraph 8.99 that “Where necessary the Council (TDC) may prepare supplementary documents to guide development in the area “, Thanet District Council should work with Ramsgate Town Council and other stakeholders to replace the “saved” policies (which were based on Ramsgate Renaissance) in the 2006 Thanet Local Plan viz: TC7 - Margate, Ramsgate and Broadstairs Core Centres (in so far as it deals with Ramsgate); EC8 - Ramsgate Waterfront and EC9 - Ramsgate New Port
Ramsgate Town Council suggests that these “saved” policies should be replaced by a new
Ramsgate Town Council asks that the production of this new
Ramsgate Town Council, additionally, suggest that the proposed Policy DCS17 - Ramsgate Waterfront should not, therefore, be included in the Core Strategy - the area being covered by the “saved” policies until the proposed new
Ramsgate Town Council also suggests that Thanet District Council should delay the sale of council owned properties within the Town Centre and Waterfront areas until the proposed new
Ramsgate Town Council is concerned that, if not properly controlled, pollution and disturbance resulting from the expansion of Kent International Airport could prejudice the development of Ramsgate as a prime residential and visitor location. In mitigation, therefore, it is requested that the proposed Policy DCS3 (Kent International Airport) should be strengthened by the addition, at the end of the second paragraph, of the following:
“and the ability of the developer to implement an independent monitoring program to ensure that pollution and disturbance levels are continuously recordeds so that action plans can be triggered to ensure that agreed limits are not exceeded. The monitoring to include the provision of data collection at stations on the flight path across Ramsgate.”
Ramsgate Town Council looks forward to working with Thanet District Council and other stakeholders, both public and private, in the development of Thanet's Local Development Framework.
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