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Core Strategy Preferred Options
Shaping Our Future
Thanet Local Development Framework

Core Strategy Preferred Options - Consultation Document

We are seeking your views on the Councils Preferred Options set out in Section 7, and the Proposed Policies in Section 8.
 Where possible we would prefer that comments are made electronically using our online document at
http://consult.thanet.gov.uk as this is the quickest and easiest way of responding.
(Or this form can be sent by email to Iocal.plans@thanet.gov.uk ).

Please note that comments need to be made in writing, cannot be treated as confidential and will be made available
 for public inspection. They will be used to help us prepare and publish the final Core Strategy which will then be
submitted to the Secretary of State who will arrange for an Inspector to carry out an Examination in Public.

If you are unable to respond electronically, please send your comments by midnight
18 December 2009 to Strategic Planning, Thanet District Council, P0 Box 9, Cecil
Street, Margate, Kent, CT9 1XZ.

Part I - Your details



If representing a group or body please state their name

Part 2 - Your Comments

Please use a separate form for each Option or Policy you are commenting on
(you only need to complete page 1 with your details once).
1. Which section are you commenting on?
Section 7-the Preferred Options
Section 8 - the Proposed Policies

2 which set of Options (A toF) or policy number (DCS1- DCS32) do your comments relate to.

3. Do you agree with the
Preferred Options!   
Proposed Policy?

4.  If you disagree, what alternatives are you proposing?

Government Legislation requires Core Strategies to be sound, this means that a Core Strategy should be Justified,
Effective and Consistent with National Policy.

5.Do you think the Core Strategy is:
Founded on a robust and credible evidence
Able to be monitored
The most appropriate strategy when considered against the
reasonable alternatives
Consistent with National Policy

6.If you answered no to any of these questions, please tell us why.

7. Do you think there are any other matters which the Core Strategy should contain?