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![]() ![]() Title 17
![]() Planning Obligations and Developer
Contributions Supplementary
Planning Document
Ends on: 18 Dec 2009
Submitted by ****** on 17 Dec 2009 13:40
Are the 5 priority areas appropriate, and in the correct order?
Please select one option from the list.
Yes [ ]
No [ Selected ]
If you selected "No" for question 1a, please specify what
alternatives you propose
[ Whilst laudable, the five priorities also lead to social
exclusion (at all levels)...in that Quality of life issues do
matter. The fact that affordable housing is top of the
tree (rightly so) - this is not achievable given the
current rental prices? The exclusion of single working
people also leads to social exclusion.
Having gone round some of the rental market with a
family member I am somewhat bewildered that these
people are allowed to rent properties or even get
planning permission to rent?
It is clear that TDC is reliant on external organisations
having input in this whilst excluding a good number of
people who are not dealt with by social services etc?
Given that the Transport infrastructure in Thanet is a
class 1 screw up perhaps this should be expunged from
the list and deal with the quality of life issues that
genuinely affect everyone? ]
View Response
Other than the 5 areas, are there any other priorities which
should be brought within the scope of the SPD?
Please select one option from the list.
Yes [ Selected ]
No [ ]
If you selected "Yes" for question 2a please state what other
priorities should be included
[ As above ]
Do you think there are priorities included that should not be
included within the SPD?
Please select one option from the list.
Yes [ Selected ]
No [ ]
If you selected "Yes" for question 3a, please state which
priorities should not be included
[ Transport, as it now not achievable as over
development has taken place without a Thanet wide
EIA on development issues which sadly the Core
Strategy does not address. Frankly green travel plans
do not address this fundamental flaw. ]
Is the flow chart "When are planning obligations required"
Please select one option from the list.
Yes [ ]
No [ Selected ]
If you selected "No" for question 4a, do you have any
suggestions to improve it?
[ Primarily as developers can and do manipulate it? ]
Is the "What about development viability?" section
Please select one option from the list.
Yes [ ]
No [ Selected ]
If you selected "No" for question 5a, what alternative
approach would you propose?
[ It should not be for the public to make alternative
proposals that is the task of planners - however what is
required is a more robust manner in dealing with
development viability in Thanet instead of the current
We the public have continually ended up paying for
developer improvements and site viability - I guess that
an option is to have more public viability scrutiny via
the CAAGs and civic Societies and allow more pubic
speaking on these issues much like the Asset
management three minute speeches? ]
Would a model legal agreement be useful?
Please select one option from the list.
Yes [ Selected ]
No [ ]
If you selected "Yes" for question 6a, should it available online
to download as a template?
[ Yes ]
Is the document clear enough?
Please select one option from the list.
Yes [ Selected ]
No [ ]
If you selected "No" for question 7a, do you suggest any
[ ]
Any other comments?
[ I would like to see an assessment instigated of the
development travel routes for the HGV's from and too
development site in Thanet - reason - a large amount of
road infrastructure is damaged by these lorries, such as
signs, pavements and drain covers. The costs are then
born by the tax payer well after the developers have
left site. The prior assessment and after assessment
should be paid for by the developers. I would also add
that local drain/gully emptying should be mandatory
for all sites as well. Sites should be assessed even for
one dwelling. ]
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