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![]() Helen Judd
From: Customer Contact, Southern Kent [custsoke.East_Malling1.SO@environment-agency.gov.uk]
Sent: 04 December 2007 12:11
To: Helen Judd
Subject: ID1269-Flood Risk Assessment Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
Page 1 of 2
Dear Helen
Flood Risk Information Request: Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
I refer to your information request received in this office on 16th November. I am now in a
position to provide you with the following information,
The site lies in flood zone 1, according to the Environment Agency’s flood risk mapping.
Zone 1 represents areas with the lowest probability of flooding from rivers and the sea,
where the chance of flooding in any one year is less than 0.1% (I.e. a 1000 to 1 chance).
The Environment Agency’s records of historic flooding do not give any indication of flooding
having affected the property in the past. Our records show the extents of known flooding
from rivers, the sea, and groundwater. You may also wish to enquire of the Local Authority
who may have further information on localised flooding and flooding from other sources,
such as highway drainage.
The risk of flooding must not be increased elsewhere and as such, attenuation of storm
water prior to discharge may be required. Generally, attenuation should be for a 1 in 100-
year rainfall event and the rate of discharge should not exceed that of the undeveloped
land. We would wish to see detailed run-off calculations using microdrainage.
We would prefer attenuation to be provided in open water features such as balancing
ponds. Further information on the use of SUDS is available at
There are no defences relevant to this site as it is not within an area at risk of flooding.
The site lies on the upper chalk formation, this is classified as a major aquifer. The site lies
in Source Protection Zone 2 and 3 for the Sparrows Castle public water supply. Therefore
potable supplies are at risk from activities at this site.
The Environment Agency's Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network has no boreholes in
the immediate vicinity of the site, the nearest borehole the Environment Agency hold water
quality data for is Sparrows Castle public water supply, owned by Southern Water
Services. Please confirm if this would be useful and it can be sent.
The database to retrieve groundwater quality info is currently down, so i cannot get the data before the
deadline of this info request, it takes a while to retrieve the data, so it would be best to find out if it would
actually be useful before retrieving it.
Can you let me know if you do require the information above
The replies given are based upon information available to the officers of the Environment
Agency at the present time and the Environment Agency accepts no liability in respect
thereof in the absence of negligence.
I also enclose a copy of the Environment Agency’s Notice. Please note the conditions listed
and let me know if you consider that you may require a special data licence.
Thank you for your payment of ?74.25 to cover the staff time and administration cost of this
enquiry. I enclose a receipt for that amount.
I hope the enclosed information is sufficient for your current requirements.
If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Karen Rigg
External Relations Officer
Direct dial 01732 223224
Direct fax 01732 223289
E-mail sokent@environment-agency.gov.uk
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If we have sent you information and you wish to use it please read our terms and conditions which you
can get by calling us on 08708 506 506. Find out more about the Environment Agency at
Page 2 of 2
Helen Judd
From: Beeching, Lisa [lisa.beeching@environment-agency.gov.uk]
Sent: 11 March 2008 14:24
To: Helen Judd
Cc: sokent@environment-agency.gov.uk
Subject: RE: ID1269-Flood Risk Assessment Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
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I hope I can provide some clarification.
Discharge of clean roof water to ground is (in principle) acceptable in SPZ 1 and 2.
Other surface water drainage (i.e. from car parks, access roads, etc) is not acceptable discharging to ground
in SPZ 1, but it is acceptable in SPZ 2. However, this is only providing the discharge is as shallow as
possible, there is no discharge into land impacted by contamination or land previously identified as being
contaminated and there is no direct discharge to groundwater, a controlled water.
Appropriate pollution prevention methods (such as trapped gullies or interceptors) should be used to prevent
hydrocarbons draining to ground from car parks, access roads, etc. Clean uncontaminated roof water shall
drain directly to soakaways entering after any pollution prevention methods.
The best guidance document we have is currently in draft, but it includes the Policies that we follow. It is
called Groundwater Protection: Policy and Practice (GP3). The draft version has been out for public
consultation so is available on our website. If you search for GP3, the second search item will take you to
Part 4 - public consultation. Section 4.2 of this provides information on drainage. Hopefully this will be useful.
I'd be happy to look over any proposals you put together, but in the meantime if you require any further
information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
From: Helen Judd [mailto:Helen.Judd@scottwilson.com]
Sent: 11 March 2008 08:53
To: Beeching, Lisa
Subject: RE: ID1269-Flood Risk Assessment Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
Thank you for contacting me. We are developing a drainage strategy for the Manston Business Park site that
as requested by the Environment Agency utilises SuDS wherever possible. A preliminary strategy has located
infiltration trenches in SPZ 1 and SPZ 2. We understand that it is not likely that the EA would allow infiltration
trenches in SPZ 1 but we are unsure about SPZ 2 could you please provide some clarification and if possible
a guidance document?
Kind Regards
Tel 01256 310 727
From: Beeching, Lisa [mailto:lisa.beeching@environment-agency.gov.uk]
Sent: 11 March 2008 07:44
To: Helen Judd
Cc: sokent@environment-agency.gov.uk
Subject: FW: ID1269-Flood Risk Assessment Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
I have been forward your email by our customer contact team. Unfortunately I only have your email address
as a way of contacting you.
I work in the Groundwater and Contaminated Land team and supplied the previous information you requested
on SPZs. If you can let me know your queries regarding the use of SUDs at this site then we can get back to
Many thanks
Lisa Beeching
Technical Officer - Groundwater and Contaminated Land
Tel: 01732 223191
From: Customer Contact, Southern Kent
Sent: 10 March 2008 16:59
To: Beeching, Lisa
Subject: FW: ID1269-Flood Risk Assessment Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
Hi Lisa
can you please contact the lady regarding her question below please, will log this tomorrow as a follow up
and let you know the id no
From: Helen Judd [mailto:Helen.Judd@scottwilson.com]
Sent: 07 March 2008 11:33
To: Customer Contact, Southern Kent
Subject: RE: ID1269-Flood Risk Assessment Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
Click here to report this email as spam.
Karen Rigg
Thank you for this information. Could you please put me in contact with the person who suuplied the
information on Source Protection Zones as we have some further queries on the type of SuDS that can be
included in this area.
Many Thanks
Page 2 of 5
From: Customer Contact, Southern Kent [mailto:custsoke.East_Malling1.SO@environment-agency.gov.uk]
Sent: 04 December 2007 12:11
To: Helen Judd
Subject: ID1269-Flood Risk Assessment Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
Dear Helen
Flood Risk Information Request: Manston Business Park, Manston Kent
I refer to your information request received in this office on 16th November. I am now in a
position to provide you with the following information,
The site lies in flood zone 1, according to the Environment Agency’s flood risk mapping.
Zone 1 represents areas with the lowest probability of flooding from rivers and the sea,
where the chance of flooding in any one year is less than 0.1% (I.e. a 1000 to 1 chance).
The Environment Agency’s records of historic flooding do not give any indication of flooding
having affected the property in the past. Our records show the extents of known flooding
from rivers, the sea, and groundwater. You may also wish to enquire of the Local Authority
who may have further information on localised flooding and flooding from other sources,
such as highway drainage.
The risk of flooding must not be increased elsewhere and as such, attenuation of storm
water prior to discharge may be required. Generally, attenuation should be for a 1 in 100-
year rainfall event and the rate of discharge should not exceed that of the undeveloped
land. We would wish to see detailed run-off calculations using microdrainage.
We would prefer attenuation to be provided in open water features such as balancing
ponds. Further information on the use of SUDS is available at
There are no defences relevant to this site as it is not within an area at risk of flooding.
The site lies on the upper chalk formation, this is classified as a major aquifer. The site lies
in Source Protection Zone 2 and 3 for the Sparrows Castle public water supply. Therefore
potable supplies are at risk from activities at this site.
The Environment Agency's Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network has no boreholes in
the immediate vicinity of the site, the nearest borehole the Environment Agency hold water
quality data for is Sparrows Castle public water supply, owned by Southern Water
Services. Please confirm if this would be useful and it can be sent.
The database to retrieve groundwater quality info is currently down, so i cannot get the data before the
deadline of this info request, it takes a while to retrieve the data, so it would be best to find out if it would
actually be useful before retrieving it.
Can you let me know if you do require the information above
The replies given are based upon information available to the officers of the Environment
Agency at the present time and the Environment Agency accepts no liability in respect
Page 3 of 5
thereof in the absence of negligence.
I also enclose a copy of the Environment Agency’s Notice. Please note the conditions listed
and let me know if you consider that you may require a special data licence.
Thank you for your payment of ?74.25 to cover the staff time and administration cost of this
enquiry. I enclose a receipt for that amount.
I hope the enclosed information is sufficient for your current requirements.
If you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Yours sincerely
Karen Rigg
External Relations Officer
Direct dial 01732 223224
Direct fax 01732 223289
E-mail sokent@environment-agency.gov.uk
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The ultimate parent company of the Scott Wilson Group is Scott Wilson Group plc.
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