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The House of the rising Sun Effingham Street Ramsgate Release | home
![]() Deed 1: Nicholas Spencer granting land to his son and future daughter in law, 1641 | Deed 1: Nicholas Spencer granting land to his son and future daughter in law, 1641 Transcription | Sale ofDeed 2: Sale of One Sixteenth part of Five Messuages or Tenements in Ramsgate, 6 April 1704 | Deed 2: Sale of One Sixteenth part of Five Messuages or Tenements in Ramsgate, 6 April 1704 Transcription | Will Transcribed: Gerald Tripp | 1813 Release and lease Transcribed | The House of the rising Sun Effingham Street Ramsgate Release | 1813 Lease | Sale of One Sixteenth part of Five Messuages or Tenements in Ramsgate, 6 April 1704 transcribed
![]() Will Transcribed: Gerald Tripp
![]() This is the last Will and Testament of me William Spencer of Ramsgate in the Isle of Thanet in the County of Kent Mariner & being at the making and executing thereof of sound disposing mind and memory First I give and bequeath to my son Nicolas Spencer fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain and if he my said son shall happen to die before me my will is that the said Legacy of fifty pounds shall not lapse but shall go to his legal representatives and I so order the same to be paid within twelve months next after my decease Also I give and devise unto my son Adam Spencer all that my messuage or tenement with the Kitchen yard Backside Garden Ground and all and every the rights privileges and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or therewith used or enjoyed situate and being in Ramsgate aforesaid in or near a certain street there called the North End adjoining to the messuage or tenement next herein after mentioned and late in the occupation of my said son Nicholas Spencer but now untenanted to hold unto my said son Adam Spencer and his assigns for and during the term of his natural life and from and immediately after his decease I give and devise the said messuage Kitchen yard Backside Garden Ground and premises unto my two Grandsons William Spencer and Silvester Spencer Sons of my late son William Spencer deceased equally to be divided between them my said grandsons and to their heirs and assigns for ever to hold as tenants in common and not as joint tenants Also I give and devise unto my son Edward Spencer his heirs and assigns for ever all that my Messuage or Tenement with the Kitchen yard Backside garden Ground and all and every the rights privileges and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or therewith used and enjoyed situate and being in or near the said street called the North End in Ramsgate aforesaid adjoining to the said first mentioned Messuage or Tenement and now or late in the tenure or occupation of him the said Edward Spencer or his assigns Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Margaret Grainger widow the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of Great Britain to be paid within twelve months next after my decease and if my said daughter Margaret Grainger shall happen to die before me then my will is that the said legacy of one hundred and fifty pounds shall not lapse but shall in such case go and be paid to her legal representatives within the said twelve months after my decease Also I give and devise unto my daughter Mary Tomson widow her heirs and assigns for ever all that my one full and equal third part of and in our annuity or yearly rent charge of Seven Pounds and ten shillings of lawful money of Great Britain yearly issuing out of a certain messuage or tenement Brewhouse Barn Stable Farm lands Hereditaments and premises situate lying and being in Ramsgate aforesaid and in the parish of Saint Laurence in the said Isle of Thanet now or late in the tenure or occupation of Thomas Tomson or his assigns which said third part of and in the said annuity & lately purchased of Lewis Tomson now deceased the late Husband of my said daughter Mary Tomson And I give and bequeath to my said two grandsons William Spencer and Silvester Spencer equally to be divided between them share and share alike one eight part of the ship called the Mary whereof my said Grandson William Spencer is Master and one eight part of the Tackle Appurtenances and stock for this ships use which shall be belonging to the said ship at the time of my Decease And also I give and bequeath unto all and every such children of my said son Nicholas Spencer as shall be living at my Decease equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike one eighth part of the ship called the Greyhound whereof my said son Adam Spencer is Master and one eighth part of the Tackle Appurtenances and stock for this ships use which shall be belonging to the said ship Greyhound at the time of my Decease and my will is that the receipts of the said children of my said son Nicholas Spencer or any of them from time to time be good and sufficient discharge to the persons paying the same for all monies to become out to them or any of them respectively on account of the said ship by virtue of this said bequest to them notwithstanding they or any of them may happen to be under the age of twenty one years I also give and bequeath to my Granddaughter Ann Spencer daughter of my said son Adam Spencer one other Eighth part of the said ship Greyhound and of the Tackle Appurtenances and stock for the ships use that which shall be belonging to the said ship at my Decease I Also give and bequeath to all and every such children of my said son Edward Spencer as shall be living at my Decease equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike one eighth part of the ship called the Tiger whereof he my said son Edward Spencer is Master and one Eighth part of the Tackle Appurtenances and stock for the ships use which shall be belonging to the said ship at the time of my Decease and my will is that the Receipt of the said children of my said son Edward Spencer or any of them shall from time to time be good and sufficient discharges to the persons paying the same for all monies to become due to them or any of them respectively on account of the said ship Tiger by virtue of the said bequest to them not withstanding they or any of them may then happen to be under the age of twenty one years I also give and bequeath unto Executrix hereinaft named and her Executors and administrators one other eighth part of the said ship greyhound herein before mentioned and one Eighth part of the Tackle Appurtenances and stock for the ships use which shall be belonging to the same ship at my decease upon trust to receive all such dividends and monies as shall from time to time become due and payable and be paid for and in respect of the last mentioned Eighth part and to pay and apply the same towards the Maintenance and bringing up of my Granddaughter Elizabeth Spencer daughter of my late son John Spencer deceased or otherwise for her use and Benefit at the Discretion of my said Executrix her Executors or Administrators until my said Grand daughter Elizabeth Spencer shall attain the age of twenty one years and then upon trust to assign pay and deliver to her my said Granddaughter Elizabeth Spencer to and for her own use and benefit the said last mentioned Eighth part and all such of the said dividends and monies as shall not be so applied as aforesaid and my will is that the Receipts of my said executrix her Executors or Administrators shall from time to time during the minority of my said Granddaughter Elizabeth Spencer be sufficient Discharges to the person or persons paying the same for all such monies as shall become due for and in respect of the said last mentioned Eight part of the said ship greyhound But if she the said Elizabeth Spencer shall happen to die before her Attainment to the said age of Twenty One years then my will is that my said Executrix and her Executors and Administrators shall stand possessed of the same Eighth part and all such dividends and monies arising thereby as shall not be so applied as aforesaid in Trust for all and every the Children of my said son Nicholas Spencer equally to be divided amongst them share and share alike Also I give and bequeath unto such of the children of my said daughter Margaret Grainger as shall be living at my Decease one other eighth part of the said ship Tiger and of the Tackle Appurtenances and stock for the ships use which shall be belonging to same ship at my decease and my will is that the Receipts of the said children of my said daughter Margaret Grainger or any of them shall from time to time shall be sufficient discharges to the persons paying the same for all monies to become due to them or any of them respectively on account of the said ship Tiger by virtue of the said Bequest to them notwithstanding any of them may happen to be under the age of twenty one years Also I give and devise unto my Granddaughter Elizabeth Tomson only child of my said daughter Tomson All that my messuage or tenement with the ground and all and every the rights privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or therewith used and enjoyed situate and being in Ramsgate aforesaid in or near two certain streets there called the Brickstreet and the South End (being a corner house adjoining to both the said streets) and now or late in the tenure or occupation of William Adams his Assigns to hold to my said granddaughter Elizabeth Tomson her heirs and assigns for ever provided nevertheless that if she shall happen to die before her attainment to the age of twenty one years then the said last mentioned messuage and premises shall immediately after such her decease go and I do accordingly give and devise the same unto my said daughter Mary Tomson her heirs and assigns for ever And also I give and bequeath unto my said granddaughter Elizabeth Tomson one eighth part of the said ship Tiger and of the Tackle Appurtenances and stock for the ships use which shall be belonging to the same ship at my decease but my will is that during her minority the dividends income and profits thereof shall be received and be applied to her use by my said daughter Mary Tomson at her Discretion any that the receipts of her my said daughter Mary Tomson shall from time to time until my said granddaughter Elizabeth Tomson shall the age of twenty one years be sufficient discharges to the persons paying the same for all Moneys to become due on account of the said ship Tiger by virtue of the said bequest herein last before contained And I give and devise unto my daughter Sarah Spencer Spinster her heirs and assigns for ever All and singular my Messuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and real Estate whatsoever situate in Ramsgate aforesaid or elsewhere in the said county of Kent not herein before by me other wise devised and disposed of And as for and remaining all such monies securities for money plate Linen apparel Household furniture parts of ships goods chattels effects and personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever as at the time of my decease I shall be possessed of or entitled to other than except what I have herein before otherwise given and disposed of I give and bequeath the same and every part thereof (subject to the payment thereout of all my just debts) unto my said daughter Sarah Spencer And for preventing any doubt or dispute in regard to my Meaning containing the several parts (herein particularly bequested) of the stock which shall be belonging to the ships herein before particularly mentioned at my decease I do hereby desire my will and mind to be that my said daughter Sarah Spencer shall have and receive to her own use (as part of the said residue of my personal estate) and I do accordingly give and bequeath to her all such sum and sums of money as at my decease shall be due coming or belonging to me for my part or parts of the earnings and stock in hand of this said ships respectively (save as except only such part of the said stock as shall be necessary and as is usual to be kept and retained in the hands of the Masters for the repairing or other immediate use and service of the said ships respectively) any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding And I so constitute and appoint her my said daughter Sarah Spencer sole Executrix of this my last will and testament and so hereby revoke all former will by me made In Witness I the Said William Spencer the Testator have to this my last will and testament contained in four sheets of paper affixed together to the first three sheets thereof set my hand and to this forth and last sheet thereof my hand and seal the twenty first day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and Fifty Seven William Spencer Signed and sealed by the Testator William Spencer and by him published and declared as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us Witnesses hereof who have here subscribed our names in the said Testators presence William Adams John Gray John Fagg.
Transcribed: Gerald Tripp, Sept'08.
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