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The Ramsgate Tunnels: Main Line Public Airraid Shelter & Scenic Railway           

Sample pages

Nick Catford


Price including Postage

40pp stapled A5 booklet text maps col. and bw pictures of Ramsgate's tunnel system

We have a long history of tunnelling. The earliest written record of the chalk caves in this area, that I can find, is in Leland's Itinerary, he visited East Kent in the early 1500s. `There is a Cave wher Men have sowt and digged for Treasure. I saw yt by Candel withyn and there were Conys. Yt was so straite that I had no mynd to crepe far yn.'

As a youth in Ramsgate in the 60s before the entrances were sealed I like many others explored the tunnel system. It has always seemed to me to have tremendous potential as a tourist attraction. It is my hope that publishing Nick Catford's excellent book illustrated with his superb photographs will draw attention to one of Ramsgate's assets that is being wasted through neglect.