1864 Ash Next Sandwich
A4 Format – Card Cover - 115 Printed Pages.
The Parish of ASH – next Sandwich, notwithstanding that it can boast but of one village of any importance, that to which it gives, or from which it takes its name, - has probably as great claims upon the respect and interest of Englishmen as any other in the kingdom. Within its boundaries the Gaul’s found their most commodious haven; the Romans erected their most famous fortalice; the Pagan Jute established his dominion; the holy Augustine planted the cross. Many of the most celebrated names in the roll of our Norman ancestors are connected with its manorial records, and the greatest sovereigns of this country for many centuries made its now almost deserted road the highway to conquest, returned by it in triumph, or displayed on it the pageantry of peaceful progress.
A4 Plates include: - View of Ash Street (W.G. Smith, litho), Anglo Saxon Antiquities discovered at Guildon, Map of the Parish of Ash (W.G. Smith, litho) – shows Guilton, Durlock, Pedding, Green Man, Malland, Hills Court, Goss Hall, Nell, Wedinton, Goldstone, Housden, Barton, Nash, Sandhills, Richborough and more, surrounded by Woodnesborough, Stonar, Isle of Thanet, Preston, Elmstone, Wingham and Staple.
Ash Church from the SW, Church Ground Plan, View from the South Transept looking thorough the High Chancel into Wolland Chancel, Effigy of Sir John Leverick and more.
Text: - Chapter One – Before the Conquest,
Chapter Two – Descent of the Manors (Description of Fleet, Gurson Fleet, Butler’s Fleet, Latimer’s Fleet, Nevil’s Fleet, Goshall, Goldston, Overland, Molland, Chilton, Chequer, Hills Court, Twitham Hills, Levericks, Weddington and Wingham Barton.
Chapter Three – Perambulation of the Parish, Chapter Four – The Church and its Monuments, Chapter Five – Notes and Queries, Genealogical and Heraldic.