1919 The War Zone in England, Thanet 1914-1918
PRICE £3.99
A5 format with card cover – 45+ Printed Pages.
This foreword by Tomson & Wotton Ltd. 1919: -
This souvenir of Thanet’s experiences, now so happily and triumphantly concluded, has been published by us by arrangement with “The Thanet Advertiser”, Ramsgate, in order that a more permanent illustrated history than has hitherto been published of what the people of Thanet suffered during the years 1914 – 1918 may be available.
While the experiences through which Thanet passed must always have painful memories, the story is so epoch-marking, and the courage of those who lived and worked in the very face of the enemy was so truly English, that we have felt justified in our desire to produce this little book which we desire to offer and to dedicate to the men, women and children of Thanet who “Carried On”.
Chapters include: - 1 – Zeppelin Attacks by Night; 2 – Aeroplane Raids by Daylight; 3 – Aeroplane Raids by Moonlight; 4 – The Menace from the Sea.
Pictures include: - H.M.S. Ceto after the Dump Raid; German Submarine on Dry Dock in Ostend Harbour; and After the British Raid; Where Bombs and Shells Dropped in Broadstairs; Where they fell in Ramsgate; and Where in Margate; Bombed out 13 Surrey Road Margate; Ramsgate Gas Works Damage.