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July 2007 | home thanetonline.com michaelsbookshop.com Click here for books about The Isle of Thanet Dangerous cliff ?
![]() this link takes you to the rest of my Pleasurama site this link takes you to my previous correspondence
July 2007 | Thanet District Council press release | Pleasurama update 6/6/2007 another years delay! | The temporary railings | Ramsgate | latest news | heads embedded in the concrete | Simon Moores Thanet life | Michael Child | Latest views | Details from the latest plans | Pictures 2007 | April 2007 | April replies | Replies to my email about the new introduction January 2007 | David Green | pleasurama update | Seafront site ready for rejuvenation | Companies House Search | correspondence | prompt replies | Action | Riddles | Committee | more | Follow up | councillors | councillors revised | spam your councillors | Councillors responses | Economical with the truth | The Member Portal | Taking the member out of the portal | Ken Gregory | Gerry O'Donnell | survey | May 2007 | Cracks over the voids | Engineers report on the condition of the cliff | more report | election results
![]() My attempts learn about the Pleasurama project have lead me into a dialogue with Thanet District Council about their website and the way they pass on correspondence to councillors. Click on the links above to read the correspondence.
![]() Pleasurama update 6/6/2007 another years delay!
![]() After a considerable number of attempts I managed to speak to the architect who is now working on the Pleasurama development, Steve Wood of PRC Fewster Architects.
He told me that the intention now is for Thanet District Council to repair the cliff in the autumn (2007) and for the development to start next year (2008) the car park is being redesigned to allow for maintenance access to the cliff, he said it would now be even smaller.
There will be no pile driving involved in the construction now, the foundations for a concrete framework will be augured.
He told me that the height of the ceiling of the car park is slightly in excess of 4 meters, which although it won't he high enough to admit larger lorries it should be sufficient.
I asked him about the flood and storm provisions, he was unable to give me the height of the car park above datum or the expected flood level. When I expressed my concerns he said he would take them up with the civil engineers.
He also told me that the revised plans should appear soon, Steve Wood is not the original architect and told me he was not familiar with the history of the plans, although the firm he works for PRC Fewster Architects did produce the original plans.
I am very concerned that neither the council officers nor the cabinet members have publicised the fact that the development is to be delayed for yet another year. I am also concerned that no effort is being made to tidy up the site for the summer season, something I have repeatedly asked for since 2004.
I am also sending this to the councillors new email addresses so apologies to those of you who receive it twice, I am also publishing it on the internet at http://www.michaelsbookshop.com/tdc/ where I will publish any replies unless you ask me not to.
Best regards Michael.
Considering the huge impact of the project on Ramsgate and how another year of delay will adversely affect the town the small number of replies after 2 days is fairly surprising. I notice from my weblogs that 297 people looked at this page yesterday so there is no lack of interest.
![]() Laura I frankly think that the building will never be built to the existing design and that they will have to start again from scratch, I am pursuing things as vigorously as I can in the hope that we can have the site tidied up while all this goes on.
Once again Simon Moores has published my comments on his blog http://www.birchington.blogspot.com/ he seems to be the only Conservative councillor prepared to stick is neck out for Ramsgate.
Best Regards Michael
In a message dated 06/06/2007 18:30:13 GMT Daylight Time, lauraprobert@btinternet.com writes:
Subj: Re: Pleasurama update 6/6/2007 another years delay!
Date: 06/06/2007 18:30:13 GMT Daylight Time
From: lauraprobert@btinternet.com
To: MichaelChild@aol.com
Sent from the Internet
At least it seems you are getting at the truth AT LAST!! If nothing is happening on the Pleasurama site this summer perhaps we should paint a mural on the fence to brighten things up a bit - I'm fed up of that awful blue one.
----- Original Message -----
From: MichaelChild@aol.com
To: lauraprobert@btinternet.com
Cc: Cdenham@thekmgroup.co.uk ; Doug.Brown@thanet.gov.uk ; terry@wwheeler.freeserve.co.uk ; winterstoke@tiscali.it ; mauriceburton@btinternet.com ; rjwinramsgate@tiscali.co.uk ; peterjude@landi4.freeserve.co.uk ; terra_nova@btconnect.com ; richglen@clements320.fsnet.co.uk ; ralph@ralphhoult.co.uk ; mrsmknight@hotmail.co.uk ; margatemuseum@btconnect.com ; Kedajone@aol.com ; johnmac1941@hotmail.com ; jocelynm@talktalk.net ; info@clivebaker.co.uk ; fiona.fennell@kent.gov.uk ; eddie@ramsgatebrewery.co.uk ; curator@greatstorm.fsnet.co.uk ; batt977@btinternet.com catblake@freeuk.com ; poole@btinternet.com ; sandy.ezekiel@thanet.gov.uk ; "CC:ll=???????????? ; Bobbreggub@aol.com ; robert.bayford@thanet.gov.uk ; jobooth@tinyworld.co.uk ; jackbernard.cohen@virgin.net ; cook_barbara_ann@hotmail.com ; kaydark@hotmail.com ; simonday@clara.co.uk ; trevoremes@freenet.co.uk ; michellefenner@hotmail.com ; johnfullarton@hotmail.com ; bowenfuller@hotmail.com ; brianandann@birchpark.fs.co.uk ; greenliz@btinternet.com ; AGreg115@aol.com ; Ian.Gregory@ekht.nhs.uk ; cllrboggs@hotmail.com ; bill-hayton@bhayton.fsnet.co.uk ; charles.hibberd@thanet.gov.uk ; higgsl@parliament.uk ; Iris.johnston@btinternet.com ; john.kirby@thanet.gov.uk ; roger.latchford@btinternet.com ; roger.latchford@thanet.gov.uk ; Jeff.Kirkpatrick@btinternet.com ; barbara.nicholson216@tesco.net ; richard@rnicholson3.wanadoo.co.uk ; william.peppiatt@thanet.gov.uk ; ingrid.spencer@talk21.com ; ingrid.spencer@thanet.gov.uk ; margatecarnival@tesco.net ; steve_ward@btinternet.com ; zita@wiltshire1.fsworld.co.uk ; martin.wise@thanet.gov.uk ; Claire.Sivier@thanet.gov.uk ; lucy.tuson@thanet.gov.uk ; editorial@kosmedia.co.uk ; eleonard@thekmgroup.co.uk ; editor.thanet@kentregionalnewspapers.co.uk ; thanetextra@thekmgroup.co.uk ; news@meridiantv.com ; newsdesk.thanet@kentregionalnewspapers.co.uk ; southeasttoday@bbc.co.uk ; Annette.Firmin@thanet.gov.uk ; Committee@thanet.gov.uk ; jdr_kent@yahoo.com ; howardm@parliament.uk ; GaleRJ@parliament.uk ; enquiryodpm@odpm.gsi.gov.uk ; cpocrown@odpm.gsi.gov.uk ; dc@odpm.gsi.gov.uk ; devplan@odpm.gsi.gov.uk ; regplan@odpm.gsi.gov.uk ; hens@thecoop.orangehome.co.uk ; laura@sandys.org.uk ; LadymanS@parliament.uk ; bobsimmonds@surefish.co.uk ; Terry.Prue@hpiresearch.com
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:14 PM
Subject: Pleasurama update 6/6/2007 another years delay!
![]() Dear Michael
This will be the 6th set of plans the environment agency say they have asked for a set of plans showing heights above datum perhaps they will be the 7th.
At the moment the main thing I am trying to achieve is to get TDC to make the site more presentable for this summer. Perhaps lower railings on the cliff top and tarmacing over the site so it could be used for parking and leisure.
Frankly the problem is that the building just doesn’t fit in the space available and it is obvious that no amount of tinkering with the plans will get an 18 meter high building to fit in the 14 meters between the flood line and the top of the cliff.
You have to appreciate that this has been going on since 2004 and I have continually asked reasonable questions about the development but have so far failed to get reasonable honest replies.
The project was delayed for instance for six months because I pointed out the plans showed it as being bigger on the inside than the outside, for two years because no one acted on the civil engineers report.
Now me I am just a local businessman trying to trade in a leisure town where the main leisure site has been an abandoned building site for the last eight years.
I will publish your comments at http://www.michaelsbookshop.com/tdc/
Best regards Michael.
In a message dated 07/06/2007 23:03:09 GMT Standard Time, cllr-Michael.Jarvis@thanet.gov.uk writes:
Dear Michael
Thank you for the update. I would suggest you wait until the revised
plans are published, before making further comments, since architects do
have a habit of changing things at the last minute.
Best Regards
Cllr. Michael Jarvis
>>> <MichaelChild@aol.com> 06/06/07 12:15 PM >>>
Pleasurama update 6/6/2007 another years delay!
![]() Hi Michael,
This is the first that I have heard about a further delay (but not surprised)!
Thanks for the information.
In a message dated 13/06/2007 15:13:54 GMT Standard Time, dgreen.home@btinternet.com writes:
Thank you for your comments on the blog site, and for your considerable work on this matter. I do sometimes show my annoyance on my blog but this is because I care deeply when I see Ramsgate treated badly.
Last week I wrote to Cllr Bayford, chair of Scrutiny at TDC -
"I wish to formally request that the developing situation regarding the "Pleasurama Development" and the associated state of the Eastcliff cliff face be refered to the Council's scrutiny committee. I list below, my most recent communications on this matter which have received no reply other than a request for breathing space on 26th May."
On 20th May I wrote to Roger Latchford/Bob Bayford
"You may or may not be aware of the considerable dis-quiet generated in Ramsgate concerning the apparent lack of progress on this development and the consequental impact on Ramsgate Main Sands and the Eastcliff Promenade. Both the local residents association and a local resident (Michael Childs) are pressuring me to press the issue, either publically or through Council scrutiny.
Despite raising the issue several times, I have been unable to engage in any meaningful discusion over future prospects that I can pass on to residents.
At the start of the new council, and a new cabinet responsibility?, we have an opportunity to discuss this problem in a non partisan way, and hopefully acheive some clarity that can inform the public about what is happening concerning one of Ramsgate's major assetts.
Bob, could you take this as a request to place this as an agenda item on the first meeting of the new scrutiny panel.
Roger, if you feel it would be more fruitful to deal with this some other way, please let me know and I will suspend my request."
On 5th June I wrote to Roger Latchford/Bob Bayford
"On 21st May, you asked for a breathing space to come up with a meaningful answer. Have you made any progress, or would you rather I formally put it forward to Scrutiny?"
On 6th June I wrote to John Bunnett/Brian White
"I understand, that since first being submitted in 2003/4 the plans for Pleasurama development have been resubmitted in
18.01.2005 and
Residents in Ramsgate now allege that the appearance of the building has changed considerably most notably that it has lost any architectural merit that it could once have been said to possess. This is particularly relevant considering the Ramsgate Seafront THI, currently approaching the implementation stage.
I gather now another set of plans are being drawn.
I wish to formally object to the planning process being abused in this way. Could you tell me if as this continues we will ever reach a point when we can object to this now very different building to the one that has received planning consent?"
Cllr David Green
27 La Belle Alliance Square
Ramsgate, Kent,
The content of this email is intended for the use of only the person to which it is addressed. The views contained do not represent any person or organisation other than the sender, unless specified explicitly.
Dave the local paper are finally starting to take a real interest which may help. I am pushing to try and get both the temporary railings lowered and the site tarmaced over for the summer.
I think now there can be little doubt that the building in anything like its present form will ever be built.
I will publish your email at http://www.michaelsbookshop.com/tdc/
Best regards Michael.
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